
I realize that many of you in Greater Grace know me, but I also want to get to know my brothers and sisters in many other fine Bible believing churches around the world. I want as many as possible to know what God is doing in the Philippines, South East Asia, also to let you know how you can have an integral part in our missions. Without support it is, of course, not possible to "Go into all the world".
Having been a missionary in many countries, I see the tremendous needs people have. First of all, a need for salvation, then a need for discipleship. People have need of love, like all of us do. I think that this is the key motivator for missionary work.
Greater Grace World Outreach (G.G.W.O.) is a missionary oriented church doing our part in fulfilling the "Great commission". I personally am sent out by Greater Grace, which is my church and home base in Baltimore, Maryland, in the U.S. I have been with this church for 28 years, and have served the Lord in it on different mission fields. I am a graduate of Stockholm School of Missions in Stockholm, Sweden. Also I am a graduate of Maryland Bible College and Seminary located in Baltimore, MD, in the U.S.
I served in the country of Azerbaijan, in Central Asia, right after the 'iron curtain' was 'torn'. I was together with P. Matti Sirvio. Azerbaijan now has several wonderful churches.
After a few years there, God led me to continue serving in the same area in the countries of Turkmenistan, Kazackstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Many years in Kyrgyzstan. After that our Lord led me onwards in His plan eastwards to China.
In our ministry we basically finance our missions ourselves trying to raise support to go.
Here in the Philippines, we have traveled to many places and done evangelism with the desire to lead people to Christ, and then to disciple them. The response has been great. We are, like I mentioned, a church planting ministry. Everywhere we go, we give tracts and speak to people.
So, we are located in Baguio on the northern island of Luzon in the Philippines.

So, now you know a little more about me. I hope that you stay on my website for awhile and enjoy reading, and watching videos, looking at photos.
Please feel free to write me. I would love to hear from you.
God bless,
Your friend,
P. Magnus Gustavsson
Here's my contact information:

For references please contact:
P. Glen Cannon
Maryland Bible College & Seminary
Tel. 410-488-2606
Tel. 1-800-528-2027
P. Duane George or
P. Steve Scibelli
Missions office
Greater Grace World Outreach
Tel. 410.483.3700